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HERE ONE DAY’s IDFA Premiere! Please Help Us Get There

We are finally able to share news of a profound honor that we could never have achieved without you. Thank you for your tremendous generosity and support. We are now requesting your help to make the promise of this incredible achievement real.

HERE ONE DAY has been selected for one of the most prestigious documentary film festivals in the world, The International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA). The film has been described as, “phenomenal,” “transcendent,” “engrossing,” and “a true work of art.”

Premiering at IDFA gives us the extraordinary opportunity to bring HERE ONE DAY to a global audience and to meet with international television buyers and distributors from around the world. It is a whole new level of exposure that will enable us to reduce stigma and change attitudes about mental illness and suicide across the globe.

We are racing to finish the film in time for our IDFA screening at the end of November. We need $50,000. Please help us get there. Donations of ANY size help. If you can give at a substantial level, please, please do.

To make a tax-deductible contribution via our fiscal sponsor Women Make Movies, please click here or click the red box on the right of the page. If you prefer to send a check please email me at:


As a special thank you, check out the sneak peek of our newly edited trailer which will soon be up on the IDFA website for all the world to see!

We will carry you with us as HERE ONE DAY takes flight.

With our deepest gratitude and beating hearts of excitement,

Kathy and The Here One Day Team

If you have not already done so, please “Like Us” :)

If you find yourself struggling with depression and need someone to talk to, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) can, literally, be a life saver.

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